This section explain what changes that are needed for plugins written with version 0.5B of the SDK to change them to use the version 0.6B SDK.
The class descriptor to changes: first, ClassDescC::get_classid(), and PluginClass::ClassDescC::get_super_classid() are changed to PluginClass::ClassDescC::get_class_id(), and PluginClass::ClassDescC::get_class_id() respectively (notice the underscore!).
The device support detection is change too. The former method check_device_support() no longer exists, use the new methods instead.
uint32 TestImportDescC::get_required_device_driver_count() const { return 1; } const ClassIdC& TestImportDescC::get_required_device_driver( uint32 ui32Idx ) { if( ui32Idx == 0 ) return PajaSystem::CLASS_OPENGL_DEVICEDRIVER; return PluginClass::NULL_CLASSID; }
See also:
Previously the OpenGL rendering was done thru OpenGLInterfaceC class. This has change so that there is OpenGL device (PajaSystem::OpenGLDeviceC) and you have to query the viewport interface (PajaSystem::OpenGLViewportC) from the device to use it (more on this later). The viewport class has all the same functionality as the former OpenGLInterfaceC had. You have to change the include files to match the new setup:
#include "opengldriver\OpenGLDeviceC.h" #include "opengldriver\OpenGLViewportC.h"
First the definition copy() method of all classes derived from EditableI has changed. The new definition is:
virtual void copy( EditableI* pEditable ) = 0;
(The parameter was of type DataBlockI)
The return type of Composition::GizmoI::update_notify() is changed to PajaTypes::uint32. This makes it possible to change the number of parameters in the update_notify() method and the UI updates correctly after the change.
The return type of Composition::EffectI::update_notify() is changed to PajaTypes::uint32. This makes it possible to change the number of parameters and gizmos in the update_notify() method and the UI updates correctly after the change.
The method Composition::EffectI::initialise() takes a new first parameter the initialize() method should be modified to:
const ClassIdC& void TestImportC::initialize( PajaTypes::uint32 ui32Reason, DeviceContextC* pContext, TimeContextC* pTimeContext )
The reason parameter tells the state the effect or importer has to be initialised. For example the DirectX has a state caleld "lost device" this state change is handle using the initialise() method.
The old initialise equals to initialise() called with parameter INIT_INITIAL_UPDATE.
Since the device system has changed quite much, there's new way to query the device from the device context.
void TestPlayerEffectC::do_frame( DeviceContextC* pContext ) { // Get the OpenGL device. OpenGLDeviceC* pDevice = (OpenGLDeviceC*)pContext->query_interface( CLASS_OPENGL_DEVICEDRIVER ); if( !pDevice ) return; // Get the OpenGL viewport. OpenGLViewportC* pViewport = (OpenGLViewportC*)pDevice->query_interface( GRAPHICSDEVICE_VIEWPORT_INTERFACE ); if( !pViewport ) return; // Set orthographic projection. pViewport->set_ortho( m_rBBox, m_rBBox[0][0], m_rBBox[1][0], m_rBBox[1][1], m_rBBox[0][1] ); ... }
Also note that Import::ImportableImageI::bind_texture() requires the device interface, not the viewport interface. Example
... pImp->bind_texture( m_i32Frame, pDevice, i32Flags ); ...
For image/video importers, the testing of the correct device has changed.
void TestImportC::bind_texture( DeviceInterfaceI* pInterface, uint32 ui32Properties ) { if( !pInterface || pInterface->get_class_id() != CLASS_OPENGL_DEVICEDRIVER ) return; ... }
The importables have the Import::ImportableI::initialize() method too.